
How do you use marine data hosted in Flanders?

Added on 2022-09-24 07:24:03 by Vanhoorne, Bart
Flanders manages a large amount of marine data. To get an idea of the use and social value of this data, EWI (Science, Technology and Innovation in Flanders) launches a survey in cooperation with OECD.
Flanders manages a large amount of valuable and unique marine data, and makes it publicly available. Think for instance of bathymetric data via the portal of the Flemish Hydrography, oceanographic and meteorological data via the Meetnet Vlaamse Banken, biological data via LifeWatch or EMODnet Biology, information on human activities at sea via the Kustportaal or information on wrecks via the wrecks database. In cooperation with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), we would like to get a picture of the use and social value of this data. That is why this autumn, Agency MDK (Flemish Hydrography) and VLIZ, in cooperation with EWI, De Blauwe Cluster and ILVO, are sounding out the use and scope of the data in a survey. This is to better tailor their services to identified needs. The survey can be found on the home page of the various portals and will take a maximum of 15 minutes.  Thank you very much in advance for your time.


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