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Maps » North Sea maps
North Sea
North Sea
Description In general, the North Sea can be sees as a shallow region, situated on the continental shelf. More to the north, depth increases to 200m. There is also the meteorite crater, the Silverpit, and some troughs formed by ice as the Devil's Hole. Just off the Norwegian coast is the Norwegian trench. By the action of ice a narrow trough with depths up to 700 m was formed. (Zeewetenschappen). Author De Hauwere, Nathalie PNG file - 12.32 MB - 4 962 x 7 012 pixels added on 2012-11-289 397 viewsGazetteer Places on this image:North Sea From reference Copejans, E.; Smits, M. (2011). De wetenschap van de zee:... Download full sizeDownload full size
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