Marine Gazetteer Placedetails

Status Proposed standard Proposed standard
Language Name Name source
EnglishLórien KnollIHO-IOC GEBCO Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names   
EnglishLorien BankUS BGN Advisory Committee on Undersea Features (ACUF)   
EnglishLorien KnollUS BGN Advisory Committee on Undersea Features (ACUF)   
PlaceType Knoll(s) 
Latitude 54° 10' 0" N (54.166667°)  
Longitude 19° 50' 0" W (-19.833333°)  
Source IHO-IOC GEBCO Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names, available online at
Notes Previous coordinates (en): Lat: 54.16666667; Long: -19.83333333    
GEBCO: discoverer and year of discovery (en): History: In J.R.R. Tolkien's created universe (Middle-earth), the Lórien (or Lothlórien in full) is an Elvish realm located between the Misty Mountains and the river Anduin. According to its author, its name is "of uncertain origin" but is more or less as    
ACUF unique id (UFI) (en): -154216    
Part of  North Atlantic Ocean (IHO Sea Area)  [view hierarchy]   
Edit history Last edited on 2016-04-23 15:22:42 by Oset Garcia Paula
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