Marine Gazetteer Placedetails

Status Alternative classification Alternative classification, try to use a different MRGID synonym of Marion-Prince Edward Is. (TDWG - level 3)
Language Name Name source
EnglishMarion-Prince Edward Is.TDWG - World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions   
PlaceType TDWG - level 4 
Latitude 46° 51' 33.9" S (-46.85941135°)  
Longitude 37° 45' 37.4" E (37.76039798°)  
Min. Lat 46° 58' 11" S (-46.9697°)  
Min. Long 37° 34' 32" E (37.5756°)  
Max. Lat 46° 35' 47" S (-46.5964°)  
Max. Long 37° 58' 54" E (37.9817°)  
Source TDWG - World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, available online at
Notes TDWG code (en): MPE-OO    
Part of  Marion-Prince Edward Is. (TDWG - level 3) 
Has preferred alternative  Marion-Prince Edward Is. (TDWG - level 3)  [view hierarchy]   
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Edit history Last edited on 2015-06-01 11:30:20 by De Hauwere Nathalie
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