Netherlands · MRGID 5668

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Boundaries established in treaties

Belgium  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
Treaty between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Belgium on the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf, 18 December 1996  (Download)  (Download)

Belgium  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
Treaty between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Belgium on the Delimitation of the Territorial Sea, 18 december 1996  (Download)  (Download)

Germany  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
Gesetz zu dem Zusatzabkommen vom 14. Mai 1962 zu dem zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und dem Königreich der Niederlande am 8. April 1960 unterzeichneten Vertrag über die Regelung der Zusammenarbeit in der Emsmündung (Ems-Dollart-Vertrag)  (Download)

Germany  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
Maritime Boundary Agreements (1942 - 1969)  (Download)
Treaty between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Germany concerning the lateral delimitation of the continental shelf in the vicinity of the coast, 1 December 1964  (Download)

Germany  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
Maritime Boundary Agreements (1970 - 1984)  (Download)
Treaty between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Germany concerning the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf under the North Sea (28 January 1971)  (Download)

United Kingdom  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland relating to the delimitation of the continental shelf under the North Sea between the two countries, 6 Oc...  (Download)  (Download)

Unilateral claim (undisputed)

Belgium  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
Administrative units - situation on January 1st  (Download)