United States · MRGID 8456

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Boundaries established in treaties


Digital Documents:
United States Maritime Limits & Boundaries - NOAA - GIS & Other products  (Download)

Cuba  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
Maritime boundary - Modus vivendi effected by exchange of letters between the United States of America and the Republic of Cuba 27 April 1977  (Download)
Maritime Boundary: Cuba - USA  (Download)


Digital Documents:
Treaty on Maritime Boundaries between the United Mexican States and the United States of America (Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean) 4 May 1978  (Download)

Boundaries calculated as median line

Bahamas  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
VLIZ Median Line  (View)

Canada  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
VLIZ Median Line  (View)

Mexico  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
VLIZ Median Line  (View)

Mexico  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
VLIZ Median Line  (View)

Canada  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
VLIZ Median Line  (View)

Unilateral claim (undisputed)

Bahamas  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
United States Maritime Limits & Boundaries - NOAA - GIS & Other products  (Download)

Canada  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
Administrative Boundaries in Canada - CanVec Series - Administrative Features  (Download)
United States Maritime Limits & Boundaries - NOAA - GIS & Other products  (Download)

200NM boundaries

United States  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
United States Maritime Limits & Boundaries - NOAA - GIS & Other products  (Download)

United States  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
United States Maritime Limits & Boundaries - NOAA - GIS & Other products  (Download)

United States  (Show line)  (Download coordinates as GML)

Digital Documents:
United States Maritime Limits & Boundaries - NOAA - GIS & Other products  (Download)